I am Doug Smith. I have a PhD in the sciences, and I used to be in the corporate world, interspersed with stints of academia and the federal government. But I tired of both, including all the tedious nonfiction writing that went with each environment.
Luckily, when I was stationed in the Netherlands, I learned something about the culture and history. Living in Woerden, I walked the same streets and open market area where the Roman garrison sat on the Oude Rijn river. A germ of an idea started…
Now four books later it is still going, along with three more books underway. All combining the ancient and contemporary worlds of Europe plus the Appalachian culture of my recent ancestors. All blended into a melting pot of fantasy, science, and imagination. I hope you enjoy the stories.
Woerden, The Netherlands

The Appalachian Mountains in North Carolina. For context, this is where Last of the Mohicans (1992) was filmed. Home of some eight generations of family. Several of those names became character names in the books.
The story in River Forged about Lord Tryon hanging a family member is based on a real event. Capt. Messer, a grandfather seven generations back, was hung by Tryon at the Hillsborough Courthouse, when North Carolina rebelled against the British – 5 years before the Revolution.

Urban Fantasy and Fantasy Romance Books Set in International Locations in the Past, Present, and Future
My Previous Life
The credentials: tedious, but some want to know. But I warn you, it is boring.
Book Chapters
- Smith, D. P., 2014. Poultry processing and products. Chapter 24 in Clark, Jung, Lamsal (eds.) Food Processing: Principles and Applications, 2nd Ed. Wiley Blackwell, Hoboken, NJ, p. 549-568.
- Smith, D. P. and J. C Acton, 2010. Marination, cooking, and curing of poultry products. Chapter 15 in Owens, Alvarado, Sams (eds.) Poultry Meat Processing, 2nd Ed. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, p. 311-3
- Smith, D. P., 2010. Quality assurance and process control. Chapter 16 in Owens, Alvarado, Sams (eds.) Poultry Meat Processing, 2nd Ed. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, p. 337-353.
Research Papers
- Gingerich, E., T. Frana, C. M. Logue, D. P. Smith, H. O. Pavlidis, and W. E. Chaney. 2021. Effect of feeding a postbiotic derived from Saccharomyces cerevisiae fermentation as a preharvest food safety hurdle for reducing Salmonella Enteritidis in the ceca of layer pullets. J. Food Prot. 84: 275–280.
- Qudsieh, R. I., D. P. Smith, and J. Brake. 2018. Effect of elevated dietary inorganic zinc on live performance, carcass yield, and quality of male and female broilers. Poult. Sci. 97:4122-4130.
- Crespo, M. D., J. L. Grimes, S. Kathariou, N. A. Cox, R. J. Buhr and D. P. Smith. 2018. Turkey breeder pathogens – Evaluation of vertical transmission of Salmonella and Campylobacter in breeder turkeys. J. Anim. Sci. Res. 2: dx.doi.org/10.16966/2476-6457.112.
- Crespo, M.D., S. Kathariou, J. L. Grimes, N. A. Cox, R. J. Buhr, J. G. Frye, W. G. Miller, C. R. Jackson, and D. P. Smith. 2016. Routes of transmission of Salmonella and Campylobacter in breeder turkeys. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 25:591-609.
- Smith, D. P., J. K. Northcutt, R. I. Qudsieh, and M. A. Parisi. 2015. Effect of strain on duck breast meat quality. J. Appl. Poult. Res., 24:401-407.
- Smith, D. P., J. K. Northcutt, C. M. Shenton, and M. A. Parisi. 2015. Effect of sex, bird size and marination on duck breast meat quality. Int. J. Poult. Sci. 14:191-195.
- Parisi, M. A., J. K. Northcutt, D. P. Smith, E. L. Steinberg, and P. L. Dawson. 2015. Microbiological contamination of shell eggs produced in conventional and free-range housing systems. Food Cont. 47:161-165.
- Smith, D. P., J. K. Northcutt, and M. A. Parisi. 2014. Razor blade shear method for evaluating duck breast meat and tendon texture. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 23:742-747.
- Rimini, S., M. Petracci, and D. P. Smith. 2014. The use of thyme and orange essential oils blend to improve quality traits of marinated chicken meat. Poult. Sci. 93:2096-2102.
- Thanissery, R., S. Kathariou, and D. P. Smith. 2014. Rosemary oil, clove oil, and a mix of thyme-orange essential oils inhibit Salmonella and Campylobacter in vitro. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 23:221-227.
- Thanissery, R., and D. P. Smith. 2014. Effect of marinade containing thyme and orange oils on broiler breast fillet and whole wing aerobic bacteria during refrigerated storage. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 23:228-232.
- Thanissery, R., and D. P. Smith. 2014. Marinade with thyme and orange oils reduces Salmonella Enteritidis and Campylobacter coli on inoculated broiler breast fillets and whole wings. Poult. Sci. 93:1258-1262.
- Cox, N. A., R. J. Buhr, D. P. Smith, J. A. Cason, L. L. Rigsby, D. V. Bourassa, P. J. Fedorka-Cray, and D. E. Cosby. 2014. Sampling naturally contaminated broiler carcasses for Salmonella by three different methods. J. Food Prot. 77:493-495.
- Smith, D. P. 2012. Effect of an acid antimicrobial on turkey breast meat Salmonella and total aerobes. Int. J. Poult. Sci. 11:673-676.
- Thanissery, R., S. Kathariou, R. M. Siletzky, and D. P. Smith. 2012. Microbiology of pre-chill carcasses from medium and fast growing pastured broiler chicken strains. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 21:623-629.
- Smith, D. P. 2012. Numbers of Salmonella recovered by sponge or low volume whole carcass rinse sampling of inoculated commercial turkey carcasses. Poult. Sci. 91:2017-2021.
- Smith, D. P. 2012. Pastured broiler processing yields and meat color. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 21:651-656.
- Smith, D. P., J. K. Northcutt, and E. L. Steinberg. 2012. Meat quality and sensory attributes of a conventional and a Label Rouge-type broiler strain obtained at retail. Poult. Sci. 91:1489-1495.
- Smith, D. P. 2011. Effect of ultrasonic marination on broiler breast meat quality and Salmonella contamination. Int. J. Poult Sci. 10:757-759.
- Berrang, M. E., D. P. Smith, and R.J. Meinersmann, 2011. Variations on standard broiler processing in an effort to reduce Campylobacter numbers on post-pick carcasses. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 20:197-202.
- Hannah, J. F., J. A. Cason, J. R. Richardson, N. A. Cox, A. Hinton, Jr., R. J. Buhr, and D. P. Smith, 2011. Effect of stomaching on numbers of bacteria recovered from chicken skin. Poult. Sci. 90:491-493.
- Northcutt, J. K., and D. P. Smith, 2010. Microbiological and chemical analyses of ice collected from a commercial poultry processing establishment. Poult. Sci. 89:145-149.
- Smith, D. P., 2010. Sampling method and location affect recovery of coliforms and Escherichia coli from broiler carcasses. Poult Sci. 89:169-172.
- Cox, N. A., L. J. Richardson, J. A. Cason, R. J. Buhr, Y. Vizzier-Thaxton, D. P. Smith, P. J. Fedorka-Cray, C. P. Romanenghi, L. V. B. Pereira, and M. P. Doyle, 2010. Comparison of neck skin excision and whole carcass rinse sampling methods for determining Salmonella prevalence and E. coli/coliform counts on broiler carcasses before and after immersion chilling. J. Food Prot 73:976-980.
- Mead, G., A. Lammerding, N. Cox, M. Doyle, F. Humbert, A. Kulikovskiy, A. Panin, V. Pinheiro do Nascimento, M. Wierup, R. A. Filho, R. Biggs, J. Buhr, S. Cahill, J. Cason, T. Chalermchaikit, H. Hidalgo, C. Hofacre, H. Hupkes, M. Madsen, R. Mulder, L. Plym Forshell, M. PulidoLandinez, J. Richardson, D. Smith, Y. VizzierThaxton, H. Toyofuku, P. Tuominen, M. Uyttendaele, S. Ming Shi, and M. Zwietering, 2010. Scientific and technical factors affecting the setting of Salmonella criteria for raw poultry: A global perspective. J. Food Prot. 73:1566-1590.
- Grimes, J. L., M. D. Koci, C. R. Stark, D. P. Smith, P. K. Nighot, and T. Middleton, 2010. Biological effect of naturally occurring mycotoxins fed to poults reared to 21 days of age. Int. J. Poult. Sci. 9:871-874.
- Smith, D. P. and Northcutt, J. K. 2009. Pale poultry muscle syndrome. Poult. Sci. 88:1493-1496.
- Zhuang, H., E. M. Savage, D. P. Smith, and M. E. Berrang. 2009. Effect of dry-air chilling on sensory descriptive profiles of cooked broiler breast meat deboned four hours after the initiation of chilling. Poult. Sci. 88:1282-1291.
- Hannah, J. F., D. L. Fletcher, N. A. Cox, D. P. Smith, J. A. Cason, J. K. Northcutt, L. J. Richardson, and R. J. Buhr. 2009. Impact of added sand on the recovery of Salmonella, Campylobacter, Escherichia coli, and coliforms from prechill and postchill commercial broiler carcass halves. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 18: 252-258.
- Northcutt, J. K., J. A. Cason, K. D. Ingram, D. P. Smith, R. J. Buhr, and D. L. Fletcher, 2008. Recovery of bacteria from broiler carcasses after immersion chilling in different volumes of water, part 2. Poult. Sci. 87:573-576.
- Berrang, M. E., R. J. Meinersman, D. P. Smith, and H. Zhuang, 2008. The effect of chilling in cold air or ice water on the microbiological quality of broiler carcasses and the population of Campylobacter. Poult Sci. 87:992-998.
- Yoon, S.C., K. C. Lawrence, D. P. Smith, B. Park, and W. R. Windham, 2008. Bone fragment detection in chicken breast fillets using transmittance image enhancement. Trans. ASABE 51:331-339.
- Hannah, J. F., D. L. Fletcher, N. A. Cox, D. P. Smith, J. A. Cason, J. K. Northcutt, L. J. Richardson, and R. J. Buhr, 2008. Effect of sand and shaking duration on the recovery of aerobic bacteria, coliforms, and Escherichia coli from pre-chill broiler whole carcass rinsates. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 17:272-277.
- Northcutt, J. K., D. P. Smith, R. I. Huezo, and K. D. Ingram, 2008. Microbiology of broiler carcasses and chemistry of chiller water as affected by water reuse. Poult. Sci. 87:1458-1463.
- Smith, D. P., and M. T. Musgrove, 2008. Effect of blood spots in table egg albumen on Salmonella growth. Poult. Sci. 87:1659-1661.
- Zhuang, H., E. M. Savage. D. P. Smith, and M. E. Berrang, 2008. Effect of dry-air chilling on Warner-Bratzler shear force and water-holding capacity of broiler breast meat deboned four hours postmortem. Int. J. Poult. Sci. 7:743-748.
- Yoon, S.C., K. C. Lawrence, D. P. Smith, B. Park, and W. R. Windham, 2008. Embedded bone fragment detection in chicken fillets using transmittance image enhancement and hyperspectral reflectance imaging. Sens. Instr. Food Qual. Safe. 2:197-207.
- Smith, D. P., K. C. Lawrence, and G. W. Heitschmidt, 2008. Fertility and embryo development of broiler hatching eggs evaluated with a hyperspectral imaging and predictive modeling system. Int. J. Poult. Sci. 7:1001-1004.
- Hinton, A., Jr., J. K. Northcutt, D. P. Smith, M. T. Musgrove, and K. D. Ingram, 2007. Spoilage microflora of broiler carcasses washed with electrolyzed oxidizing water or chlorinated water using an inside-outside bird washer. Poult. Sci. 86:123-127.
- Smith, D. P., J. K. Northcutt, J. A. Cason, A. Hinton, Jr., R. J. Buhr, and K. D. Ingram, 2007. Effect of external or internal fecal contamination on numbers of bacteria on pre-chill broiler carcasses. Poult. Sci. 86:1241-1244.
- Smith, D. P., J. A. Cason, D. L Fletcher, and J. F. Hannah, 2007. Evaluation of carcass scraping to enumerate bacteria on pre-chill broiler carcasses. Poult. Sci. 86:1436-1439.
- Park, B., M. Kise, K. C. Lawrence, W. R. Windham, D. P. Smith, and C. N. Thai, 2007. Real-time multispectral imaging system for online poultry fecal inspection using unified modeling language. J. Sens. Instrument. Food Qual. Safe. 1:45-54.
- Huezo, R. I., J. K. Northcutt, D. P. Smith, D. L. Fletcher, and K. D. Ingram, 2007. Effect of immersion or dry air chilling on bacteria recovery from broiler carcasses. J. Food Prot. 70:1829-1834.
- Hinton, A. Jr., J. K. Northcutt, J. A. Cason, D. P. Smith, and K. D. Ingram, 2007. Bacterial populations of broiler carcasses washed in mixtures of potassium hydroxide and lauric acid. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 16:387-391.
- Huezo, R. I., D. P. Smith, J. K. Northcutt, and D. L. Fletcher, 2007. Effect of immersion or dry chilling on broiler carcass moisture retention and breast filet functionality. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 16:438-447.
- Cason, J. A., A. Hinton, Jr., J. K. Northcutt, R. J. Buhr, K. D. Ingram, D. P. Smith, and N. A. Cox, 2007. Partitioning of external and internal bacteria carried by broiler chickens before processing. J. Food Prot. 70:2056-2062.
- Heitschmidt, G. W., B. Park, K. C. Lawrence, W. R. Windham, and D. P. Smith, 2007. Improved hyperspectral imaging system for fecal detection on poultry carcasses. Trans. ASABE 50:1427-1432.
- Northcutt, J. K., D. P. Smith, K. D. Ingram, A. Hinton, Jr., and M. T. Musgrove, 2007. Recovery of bacteria from broiler carcasses after spray washing with acidified electrolyzed water or sodium hypochlorite solutions. Poult. Sci. 86:2239-2244.
- Smith, D. P., and L. L. Young, 2007. Marination pressure and phosphate effects on broiler breast fillet yield, tenderness, and color. Poult. Sci. 86:2666-2670.
- Huezo, R. I., J. K. Northcutt, D. P Smith, and D. L. Fletcher, 2007. Effect of chilling method and deboning time on broiler breast filet quality. J. Appl. Poult. Res.16:537-545.
- Windham, W. R., G. W. Heitschmidt, K. C. Lawrence, B. Park, and D. P. Smith, 2007. Effect of spectrally mixed hyperspectral image pixels on detection of cecal contaminated broiler carcasses. Int. J. Poult. Sci. 6:955-959.
- Park, B., K. C. Lawrence, W. R. Windham, and D. P. Smith, 2006. Performance of hyperspectral imaging system for poultry surface fecal contaminant detection. J. Food Eng. 75:340-348.
- Lawrence, K. C., W. R. Windham, B. Park, G. R. Heitschmidt, D. P. Smith, and P. W. Feldner, 2006. Partial least squares regression of hyperspectral images for contaminant detection on poultry carcasses. J. Near Infrared Spectr. 14:223-230.
- Cason, J. A., M. E. Berrang, and D. P. Smith, 2006. Recovery of bacteria from broiler carcasses rinsed zero and twenty-four hours after immersion chilling. Poult. Sci. 85:333-336.
- Smith, D. P., and M. E. Berrang, 2006. Prevalence and numbers of bacteria in broiler crop and gizzard contents. Poult Sci. 85:144-147.
- Berrang, M. E., D. P. Smith, and A. Hinton, Jr., 2006. Application of distilled white vinegar in the cloaca to counter the increase in Campylobacter numbers on broiler skin during feather removal. J. Food Prot. 69:425-427.
- Lawrence, K. C., W. R. Windham, D. P. Smith, B. Park, and P. W. Feldner, 2006. Effect of broiler carcass washing on fecal contaminant imaging. Trans. ASAE 49:133-140.
- Berrang, M. E., D. P. Smith, and A. Hinton, Jr., 2006. Organic acids placed into the cloaca to reduce Campylobactercontamination of broiler skin during defeathering. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 15:287-291.
- Northcutt, J. K., J. A. Cason, D. P. Smith, R. J. Buhr, and D. L. Fletcher, 2006. Broiler carcass bacterial counts after immersion chilling using either a low or high volume of water. Poult. Sci. 85:1802-1806.
- Lawrence, K. C., D. P. Smith, W. R. Windham, G. W. Heitschmidt, and B. Park, 2006. Egg embryo development detection with hyperspectral imaging. Int. J. Poult. Sci. 5:964-969.
- Lyon, B. G., D. P. Smith, and E. M. Savage, 2005. Descriptive sensory analysis of broiler breast fillets marinated in phosphate, salt, and acid solutions. Poult. Sci. 84:345-349.
- Young, L. L., D. P. Smith, J. A. Cason, and J. M. Walker, 2005. Effects of pre-evisceration electrical stimulation and polyphosphate marination on color and texture of early harvested chicken broiler breast fillets. Int. J. Poult. Sci. 4:52-54.
- Young, L. L., J. A. Cason, D. P. Smith, C. E. Lyon, J. A. Dickens, and J. M. Walker, 2005. Effects of electrical stimulation and simulated conventional and extended chilling method on cooked chicken breast meat texture and yield. Int. J. Poult. Sci. 4:60-63.
- Bianchi, M., D. L. Fletcher, and D. P. Smith, 2005. Physical and functional properties of intact and ground pale broiler breast meat. Poult. Sci. 84:803-808.
- Berrang, M. E., R. J. Meinersmann, J. F. Frank, D. P. Smith, and L. L. Genzlinger, 2005. Distribution of Listeria monocytogenes subtypes within a poultry further processing plant. J. Food Prot. 68:980-985.
- Smith, D. P., M. E. Berrang, and J. A. Cason, 2005. Effect of fecal contamination and cross- contamination on numbers of coliform, Escherichia coli, Campylobacter, and Salmonella on immersion chilled broiler carcasses. J. Food Prot. 68:1340-1345.
- Windham, W. R., D. P. Smith, M. E. Berrang, K. C. Lawrence, and P. W. Feldner, 2005. Effectiveness of hyperspectral imaging system for detecting cecal contaminated broiler carcasses. Int. J. Poult. Sci. 4:657-662.
- Northcutt, J. K., D. P. Smith, M. T. Musgrove, K. D. Ingram, and A. Hinton, Jr., 2005. Microbiological impact of spray washing broiler carcasses using different chlorine concentrations and water temperatures. Poult. Sci. 84:1648-1652.
- Park, B., K. C. Lawrence, W. R. Windham, and D. P. Smith, 2005. Detection of cecal contaminants in visceral cavity of broiler carcasses using hyperspectral imaging. Appl. Eng. Ag. 21:627-635.
- Smith, D. P., J. K. Northcutt, and M. T. Musgrove, 2005. Microbiology of contaminated or visibly clean broiler carcasses processed with an inside-outside bird washer. Int. J. Poult. Sci. 4:955-958.
- Windham, W. R., G. W. Heitschmidt, D. P. Smith, and M. E. Berrang, 2005. Detection of ingesta on pre-chilled broiler carcasses by hyperspectral imaging. Int. J. Poult. Sci. 959-964.
- Lyon, B. G., D. P. Smith, C. E. Lyon, and E. M. Savage, 2004. Effects of diet and feed withdrawal on the sensory descriptive and instrumental profiles of broiler breast fillets. Poult. Sci. 83:275-281
- Young, L. L., and D. P. Smith, 2004. Effect of vacuum on moisture absorption and retention by marinated broiler fillets. Poult. Sci. 83:129-131.
- Young, L. L., and D. P. Smith, 2004. Moisture retention by water- and air-chilled chicken broilers during processing and cutup operations. Poult. Sci. 83:119-122.
- Berrang, M. E., D. P. Smith, W. R. Windham, and P. W. Feldner, 2004. Effect of intestinal content contamination on broiler carcass Campylobacter counts. J. Food Prot. 67:235-238.
- Smith, D. P., and J. K. Northcutt, 2004.Induced red discoloration of broiler breast meat: 1. Effect of blood, bone marrow, and marination. Int. J. Poult. Sci. 3:248-252.
- Smith, D. P., and J. K. Northcutt, 2004.Induced red discoloration of broiler breast meat: 2. Effect of cook temperature and freezing. Int. J. Poult. Sci. 3:253-258.
- Park, B., K.C. Lawrence, W.R. Windham, and D.P. Smith, 2004. Multispectral imaging system for fecal and ingesta detection on poultry carcasses. J. Food Proc. Eng. 27:311-327.
- Smith, D. P., M. E. Berrang, P. W. Feldner, R. W. Phillips, and R. J. Meinersman, 2004. Detection of Bacillus cereuson selected retail chicken products. J. Food Prot. 67:1770-1773.
- Young, L. L., D. P. Smith, J. A. Cason, and J. M. Walker, 2004. Effects of intact carcass electrical stimulation on moisture retention characteristics of polyphosphate-treated non-aged boneless broiler breast fillets. Int. J. Poult. Sci. 3:796-798.
- Smith, D. P., and J. K. Northcutt, 2003. Red discoloration of fully cooked chicken products. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 12:515-521
- Northcutt, J. K., M. E. Berrang, D. P. Smith, and D. R. Jones, 2003. Effect of commercial bird washers on broiler carcass microbiological characteristics. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 12:435-438.
- Roe, M. T., J. A. Byrd, D. P. Smith, and S. D. Pillai, 2003. Class 1 and class 2 integrons in poultry carcasses from broiler houses and poultry processing environments. J. Food Prot. 66:1426-1431.
- Windham, W.R., D. P. Smith, B. Park, K.C. Lawrence, and P. W. Feldner, 2003. Algorithm development with visible/near infrared spectra for detection of poultry feces and ingesta. Trans. ASAE 46:1733-1738.
- Qiao, M., D. L. Fletcher, J. K. Northcutt, and D. P. Smith, 2002. The relationship between raw broiler breast meat color and composition. Poult. Sci. 81:422-427.
- Qiao, M., D. L. Fletcher, D. P. Smith, and J. K. Northcutt, 2002. Effects of raw broiler breast meat color variation on marination and cooked meat quality. Poult. Sci. 81:276-280.
- Smith, D. P., C. E. Lyon, and B. G. Lyon, 2002. The effect of age, dietary carbohydrate source, and feed withdrawal on broiler breast fillet color. Poult. Sci. 81:1584-1588.
- Berrang, M. E., R. J. Meinersmann, J. K. Northcutt, and D. P. Smith, 2002. Molecular characterization of Listeria monocytogenes isolated from a poultry further processing facility and from fully cooked product. J. Food Prot. 65:1574-1579.
- Qiao, M., D. L. Fletcher, D. P. Smith, and J. K. Northcutt, 2001. The effect of broiler breast meat color on pH, moisture, water-holding capacity, and emulsification capacity. Poult. Sci. 80:676-680.
- Smith, D. P., 2001. Defects of pre- and post-deboned broiler breast. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 10:33-40.
- Northcutt, J. K., D. P. Smith, and R. J. Buhr, 2000. Effects of bruising and marination on broiler breast fillet surface appearance and cooked yield. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 9:21-28.
- Fletcher, D. L., M. Qiao, and D. P. Smith, 2000. The relationship of raw broiler breast meat color and pH to cooked meat color and pH. Poult. Sci. 79:784-788.
- Berrang, M. E., C. E. Lyon, D. P. Smith, and J. K. Northcutt, 2000. Incidence of Listeria monocytogenes on pre-scald and post-chill chicken. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 9:546-550.
- Smith, D. P., and D. L. Fletcher, 1998. Effects of broiler breast meat fiber direction, dicing, and postmortem deboning time on Allo-Kramer shear. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 7(3):281-286.
- Smith, D. P., D. L. Fletcher, R. J. Buhr, and R. S. Beyer, 1993. Pekin duckling and broiler chicken pectoralis muscle structure and composition. Poult. Sci. 72:202-208.
- Smith, D. P., D. L. Fletcher, and C. M. Papa, 1992. Duckling and chicken processing yields and breast meat tenderness. Poult. Sci. 71:197-202.
- Smith, D. P., D. L. Fletcher, and C. M. Papa, 1992. Postmortem biochemistry of Pekin duckling and broiler chicken pectoralis muscle. Poult. Sci. 71:1768-1772.
- Smith, D. P., D. L. Fletcher, and C. M. Papa, 1991. Evaluation of duckling breast meat subjected to different methods of further processing and cooking. J. Muscle Foods 2:305-310.
- Fletcher, D. L., D. P. Smith, and N. A. Cox, 1990. Comparison of seven microbiological methods for sampling hard‑cooked eggs. Poult. Sci. 69:1428-1432.
- Smith, D. P., and D. L. Fletcher, 1988. Chicken breast muscle fiber type and diameter as influenced by age and intramuscular location. Poult. Sci. 67:908‑913.
- Smith, D. P., C. E. Lyon, and D. L. Fletcher, 1988. Comparison of the Allo‑Kramer shear and the Texture Profile methods of broiler breast meat texture analysis. Poult. Sci. 67:1549‑1556.
- Smith, D. P., and D. L. Fletcher, 1988. Compositional and biochemical variations within broiler breast muscle subjected to different processing methods. Poult. Sci. 67:1702‑170.
Magazine Articles
- Now we’re cooking, 2000. Watt Poultry USA 1(11):27-33.
- Brave new bird, 2000. Watt Poultry USA 1(7):48.
- Getting the red out, 2000. Watt Poultry USA 1(7):32-35.
- Meet your new and improved on-line inspector, 2000. Watt Poultry USA 1(5):52.
- Staff needs essential when adopting HACCP, 2000. Meat International 10(2):35-38.
- Using tornadoes to reduce waste, 2000. Watt Poultry USA 1(3): 48.
- Fighting Salmonella with Salmonella, 2000. Watt Poultry USA 1(1):109.
- Incineration makes sense, 1999. Turkey World 75(6):26-27.
- Treating litter right, 1999. Turkey World 75(5):28-29.
- Breading: The golden process; Guide to batter and breading equipment, 1999. Broiler Industry 62(10):26-31.
- Know your quality, 1999. Broiler Industry 62(7):22, 24, 28-29.
- Marination: Tender to the bottom line; Who’s who in marination research in North America; Guide to marination technology, 1999. Broiler Industry 62(6):22, 24-27.
- Recalls can do irreparable damage to good producers, 1999. Turkey World 75(4):26-27.
- Bones in broiler breast meat a legitimate concern, 1999. World Poultry 15(4):35-36.
- Inside/outside bird washers coming of age, 1999. Turkey World 75(3):26-27.
- Turkeys on the web, 1999. Turkey World 75(2):28-29.
- Protect the hatch by charging the cabinet, 1999. Turkey World 75(1):26.
- New developments in deboning, slicing, portioning, 1998. Turkey World 74(3):24-25.
- Consider product recall insurance, 1998. Turkey World 74 (4):24-25.
- Problems with red/pink discoloration, 1998. Broiler Industry 61(3):30-31.
- New ideas for old pests, 1998. Turkey World 74(6):24-25.
- Profiting from wastewater sludge, 1998. Turkey World 74(5):24-25.
- Don’t buy equipment with design, equipment flaws, 1998. Turkey World 74 (2):30-31.
- Get ready for GPS system, 1998. Turkey World 74(1):41.
- Competitive exclusion making comeback, 1997. Turkey World 73(6):30-31.
- The bone of the matter, 1997. Broiler Industry, 60 (11):22-23.
- New family of monitors determines origin of damage, 1997. Turkey World, 73 (5):37-38.